Current Families

What to Expect Now That You're In

Welcome To Girls Rock Math

  • Before Camp Checklist
  • What To Bring To Camp
  • The First Day
  • During Camp
Prior to camp beginning, you will want to:
  • Download the Medication Form (if needed)
  • Request the Photo Opt Out Form, Walk Home or Sunscreen Waiver (if desired)
  • Make sure your contact information is up-to-date
  • Submit additional friend requests prior to July 1
  • Contact the staff to discuss any special circumstances your child may have prior to June 15, 2021

Please email our registrar, Annelliott if you need any help completing these tasks

A week prior to camp starting you will get an email containing specific information for your child's week of camp including parking information and directions, contact information for the Site Director and any other relevant information for that location.
Girls Rock Math provides all necessary paper, math materials, art supplies and pencils. We do however ask that you send your child with the following to our program each day:
  • Water bottle, labeled with your daughter's name
  • Snack and lunch (nut-free for allergen safety)
  • Extra snacks if your child attends our before/after program
  • Sunscreen labeled with your child's name (siblings can share)
  • Clothing and shoes appropriate for outdoor play (and getting messy!
Labels for Camp!

Use this link and the code GIRLSROCK to get 25% off custom labels at
  • Make sure anyone picking your child up (including parents) have the "password" you created at registration which we use as a safety precaution during pick up. You can email us before camp starts if you need a reminder, or simply ask for a "clue" at drop-off.
  • If you need drop-in Smart Start or After Camp, you can sign-up on the first day. We take cash or checks only once camp has started.
  • Meet the staff! We are excited to get to know you!
  • You'll escort your child in each morning. Kids should arrive as close to the start time as possible. Do you have special information to convey? Speak directly to the Site Director.
  • Want to know what's happened at camp each day? Read our poster summary of the day's activities! Ask your child about what she did on the ride home. Maybe she can even sing you one of the new songs she learned!
  • Uh-oh! Accidents happen... if your child had an injury at camp, please sign and return our incident form. Don't worry, if anything major ever happened we'd contact you long before the end of the day.
  • We want to know how it's going! Please talk to your child's teacher or the Site Director if you have any questions, concerns or compliments to share
  • Check the lost and found! Can't find that water bottle, headband or coat? Bet we have it!
  • On the last day your daughter will take home all her projects and activities! Be sure to look through it together and talk about the great stuff she did at camp!

Camp is Over. Now What?

We love to have our campers return year after year. We will keep you in the loop by sending you our monthly email newsletter, "The Math-tastic Times." Now you'll always know when registration is happening as well as learn about the other awesome events and programs we'll be offering throughout the year!

We also welcome your feedback. Want to let us know how your camp experience was? Please shoot us an email or review us on Care!

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